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SACRAMENTO, CA —  A new legislative proposal, Assembly Constitutional Amendment 13 (ACA 13), would give voters the opportunity to require that any ballot initiative that increases voter approval thresholds also be approved at that same higher level.

By allowing voters to maintain a fair initiative process, ACA 13 aims to ensure that communities across the state have the flexibility to support robust emergency response services, respond to emerging challenges, and sustain a healthy and productive workforce.

“Communities need the flexibility to respond to evolving conditions that they face,” said Scott Graves, director of research at the California Budget & Policy Center. “ACA 13 would prevent a small share of voters from dictating the fiscal future of our communities.”

“ACA 13 would give voters the opportunity to maintain a fair initiative process that asks all initiative backers to live by the same rules they want to impose on everyone else,” said Chris Hoene, executive director at the California Budget & Policy Center. “This proposal is an important step to empower voters and protect California’s fiscal future for generations to come.”

ACA 13 is a common sense proposal that empowers voters, preserves fairness in direct democracy, and ensures communities can adapt.


The California Budget & Policy Center is a nonpartisan research and analysis nonprofit advancing public policies that expand opportunities and promote well-being for all Californians.

Media Contacts

Kyra Moeller
Communications Strategist

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