Displaying 1-12 of 569 results found
The California Women’s Well-Being Index
The California Women’s Well-Being Index is a fully interactive data visualization that looks at women’s well-being in each of California’s 58 counties. The Index shows how women are faring overall and across five different areas of well-being: Health, Personal Safety, Employment & Earnings, Economic Security, and Political Empowerment. See the Index to learn how women are faring in your community.Health & Safety NetPoverty & Inequality -
Understanding Proposition 35
California voters will decide on November 5th, 2024 whether to pass Proposition 35, which would 1) require the state to request federal approval for the Managed Care Organization tax on an ongoing basis and 2) allocate those dollars for certain health care investments.Ballot PropositionsHealth & Safety Net -
Understanding Proposition 36
Why Prop. 36 Fails Californians: Escalating Costs, Deepening Disparities, and Ineffective SolutionsBallot PropositionsJustice System -
Data Hit
Crime in California Remains Well Below Historical Peaks
Contrary to national trends, crime rates in California remain well below the peaks of the past five decades.Justice System -
The 2024-25 California State Budget Explained
We highlight key components of the June budget package and examine how it protects — or misses opportunities to enhance — services that aim to improve the well-being of Californians.California Budget -
Chosen Family: Expanding Paid Family Leave for Diverse Communities
California’s paid family leave program excludes many workers, especially LGBTQ+ and immigrants, from taking leave to care for loved ones because the program’s definition of family is too narrow.Poverty & Inequality -
The tools used to manage the state’s finances need structural reform
How can the state avoid the whiplash of budget surpluses and shortfalls in the future?California Budget -
Fact Sheet
Closing Prisons Can Help Avoid Cuts, Fund Vital Safety Net and Health Programs
Closing California state prisons is a key underutilized tool that can provide the funds needed to offset cuts to vital safety net and health programs.California Budget -
Data Hit
Governor Newsom Proposes Harmful Cuts, Policymakers Have Alternatives
The governor’s revised budget proposes deep cuts to vital programs, impacting low-income families, foster youth, immigrants, and more.California Budget -
Fact Sheet
Strengthening California’s Paid Leave Benefits
California was the first state to offer paid family leave, but workers cannot apply for benefits until after they have already started their leave, causing financial hardship.Poverty & Inequality -
First Look: Understanding the Governor’s 2024-25 May Revision
The First Look report outlines key pieces of the May Revision to the 2024-25 California budget proposal.California Budget -
The Rise of Homelessness Among California’s Older Adults
California’s homeless population is aging rapidly, with adults age 50 and over making up nearly 40% of those needing shelter.Housing & Homelessness
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