CCDAA held a Advocacy Day at the Capitol which featured an orientation training about the legislative process and how to conduct visits with your representatives. Budget Center Policy Analyst Kristin Schumacher delivered her presentation, “Child Care and Development Programs in California: Key Context and Current Issues.”
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Invirtiendo en Familias: Expandiendo el Acceso al Cuidado Infantil en el Condado de Monterey
Read this publication in English. A las familias de California les cuesta un gran esfuerzo poder pagar el cuidado infantil, lo cual exacerba los desafíos del costo de vida en un entorno de tasas de pobreza elevadísimas. Específicamente, si no cuenta con acceso a cuidado infantil subsidiado por el estado, una madre soltera en California … ContinuedChild Care & Preschool -
Investing in Families: Expanding Child Care Access in Monterey County
key takeaway California families face steep child care costs, with a single mother spending 61% of her income without subsidized care. In 2022, only 11% of eligible children received state subsidized care, highlighting a critical gap. Expanding subsidized spaces and tailoring solutions to diverse local needs, as seen in Monterey County, are essential for addressing … ContinuedChild Care & Preschool
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