Displaying 1-12 of 47 results found
Invirtiendo en Familias: Expandiendo el Acceso al Cuidado Infantil en el Condado de Monterey
Read this publication in English. A las familias de California les cuesta un gran esfuerzo poder pagar el cuidado infantil, lo cual exacerba los desafíos del costo de vida en un entorno de tasas de pobreza elevadísimas. Específicamente, si no cuenta con acceso a cuidado infantil subsidiado por el estado, una madre soltera en California … ContinuedChild Care & Preschool -
Investing in Families: Expanding Child Care Access in Monterey County
key takeaway California families face steep child care costs, with a single mother spending 61% of her income without subsidized care. In 2022, only 11% of eligible children received state subsidized care, highlighting a critical gap. Expanding subsidized spaces and tailoring solutions to diverse local needs, as seen in Monterey County, are essential for addressing … ContinuedChild Care & Preschool -
Fact Sheet
California’s Child Care Crisis: High Unmet Need and Regional Disparities
Access to affordable child care remains a challenge for families with low incomes in California. Despite decades of effort, a large gap between supply and demand persists. In 2015, 85% of eligible children lacked access to subsidized child care, a figure that grew to 89% in 2017 and remained the same in 2022. This means … ContinuedChild Care & Preschool -
State Preschool Enrollment & Opportunity to Serve More California Families
Despite California’s efforts to expand preschool access, many children, particularly those from low-income families and children of color, are missing out on these crucial early learning opportunities.Child Care & Preschool -
Fact Sheet
California’s Child Care System Serves Only a Fraction of Eligible Children
California has a significant unmet need for affordable child care, with only a fraction of eligible children receiving subsidized care. The state needs to make significant and sustainable investments in expanding subsidized child care options, particularly for infants and toddlers.Child Care & Preschool -
Fact Sheet
Aumento de acceso a los programas de aprendizaje y cuidado infantil de California
Read this publication in English. El paquete del presupuesto de 2023-24 incluye varios avances de políticas clave para el aprendizaje y el cuidado infantil. Estos avances ayudarán a expandir el acceso a los programas de aprendizaje y cuidado infantil en California y aumentará temporariamente las tasas de pago de los proveedores de estos servicios. La … ContinuedChild Care & Preschool -
Fact Sheet
Creating Greater Access to California’s Early Learning and Care Programs
California’s 2023-24 budget includes $78.4 million for permanent family fee reform, eliminating fees for families below 75% of the state median income and capping fees at 1% for other families.Child Care & Preschool -
Early Learning & Care: Building Opportunity for California Families
California’s early learning and care system can be improved by expanding access to affordable and reliable programs that meet families’ needs.Child Care & Preschool -
Issue Brief
Reparación de tarifas familiares dañinas
El cuidado infantil asequible y enriquecedor es esencial para apoyar a las familias de California.Child Care & Preschool -
Issue Brief
Mending Harmful Family Fees: Expanding Possibilities for California Families
With the leadership of Parent Voices’ efforts, families will have a more equitable family fee schedule that minimizes tradeoffs between paying for child care and other essentials.Child Care & Preschool -
California’s Child Care Providers Need a Substantial Pay Raise
California’s subsidized child care providers offer vital early learning and care options for families struggling to make ends meet. These early educators — who are primarily women and disproportionately women of color — deserve fair and just wages for essential work that helps children learn and grow while parents are working or going to school … ContinuedChild Care & Preschool -
Data Hit
California’s Subsidized Child Care Providers Urgently Need a Pay Raise
California’s subsidized child care providers deserve fair and just wages for their essential work that helps children learn and grow. These early educators — who are primarily women and disproportionately women of color — offer affordable early care and learning options for working families struggling to make ends meet. State leaders have not consistently and … ContinuedChild Care & Preschool
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