The Budget Center hosted a special briefing event on the California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC), a refundable state tax credit modeled after the federal EITC that helps people who earn little from their jobs afford basic necessities. As part of our Policy Perspectives Speakers Series, this event discussed Governor Gavin Newsom’s plans in the 2019-20 state budget proposal to significantly expand the CalEITC.
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California’s Poverty Rate Soars to Alarmingly High Levels in 2023
key takeaway California’s poverty rate has increased significantly, with disproportionate impacts on Black and Latinx residents. This alarming trend highlights the urgent need for federal and state policymakers to implement robust anti-poverty measures, such as strengthening the Child Tax Credit, Earned Income Tax Credit, and SNAP program. California’s poverty rate increased to 18.9% in 2023, … ContinuedPoverty & Inequality -
The California Women’s Well-Being Index
The California Women’s Well-Being Index is a fully interactive data visualization that looks at women’s well-being in each of California’s 58 counties. The Index shows how women are faring overall and across five different areas of well-being: Health, Personal Safety, Employment & Earnings, Economic Security, and Political Empowerment. See the Index to learn how women are faring in your community.Health & Safety NetPoverty & Inequality
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