Too many families and individuals in all regions of California struggle to afford the costs of housing, child care, health care, food, and other basic necessities – with serious consequences for health and well-being that can also affect the broader community and economy. Many families that include immigrants face particular challenges to maintaining economic security, even in a strong economy, due to jobs with low wages, unstable work, and the “chilling effect” of recent anti-immigrant federal actions. An economic downturn would likely hit these families and their communities especially hard.
At the same time, refundable income tax credits are proven and powerful tools to boost economic security for families and individuals, and California policymakers have made significant state investments in the state’s Earned Income Tax Credit – the CalEITC – and new Young Child Tax Credit.
However, hundreds of thousands of immigrant families are currently excluded from the
CalEITC and Young Child Tax Credit. State lawmakers can choose to include these Californians with a simple change to filing requirements for these tax credits. Doing so would boost economic security for families and individuals in every legislative district, while pumping millions of dollars into local economies throughout California.
Find our estimated economic benefit by each Senate and Assembly District in California below and the boost local economies would see if policymakers expanded the CalEITC and Young Child Tax Credit to all California who work and pay taxes.
California State Senate
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