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We work to improve public policies affecting the economic and social well-being of Californians with low and middle incomes.


Our vision is for all Californians to participate fully in the state’s economic, social, and political life. We believe that when California builds wealth and invests in people – especially those who have yet to share in the state’s prosperity – we all benefit.

Our Work

We provide independent analysis. Our fact-based, nonpartisan analyses of state budget and public policy issues is informed by California’s demographic, economic, and social contexts while pointing to strategic solutions for the state and its people.

We advance public policies to achieve shared prosperity. We are grounded in the belief that government should work to improve the lives of individuals, families, and communities, particularly those who have yet to share in our state’s economic prosperity due to a range of factors, including socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, gender and sexual identity, or immigration status.

We provide reliable information. Our work meets the highest level of intellectual honesty, accuracy, and integrity and is a trusted source of information for policymakers and their staffs, advocates, community and philanthropic leaders, and the media.

We expand public policy education. Our accessible, relevant information on state budget and public policies serves as a catalyst for meaningful collaboration and engagement in policy debates.