Displaying 1-12 of 70 results found
A California For All Requires Fair Taxation
A California for all, where everyone has access to economic opportunity, affordable housing, comprehensive health care, quality education, sufficient child care, and other basic needs, is possible. Policymakers can achieve this vision by advancing fairer taxation to prevent cuts during budget shortfalls like the one we face today and address the vital long-term needs of … ContinuedTaxes & Revenue -
Fact Sheet
Building Prosperity: Fair Corporate Taxes, Strong Communities
California corporate profits soar at record highs, yet pay less in taxes than ever. Learn how equitable taxes could benefit everyone.Taxes & Revenue -
Data Hit
An Equitable California Starts with Fairer Taxation
California faces a budget shortfall, but instead of cuts that harm communities, the state can raise revenue equitably by closing ineffective tax loopholes that benefit the wealthy.California BudgetTaxes & Revenue -
Fact Sheet
State Corporate Taxes Are a Tiny Share of Total Corporate Expenses
key takeaway Despite record profits, corporations pay a tiny fraction of their California expenses in taxes — just 0.11% on average. Modest corporate tax increases could generate substantial revenue to boost income for families in poverty, fund crucial public services, and address economic inequality, especially for Californians of color. State tax revenues make possible the … ContinuedTaxes & Revenue -
Data Hit
Less Than 2% of State Tax Breaks Go to Californians with Low Incomes
California’s refundable tax credits for low-income residents make up a small fraction — less than 2% — of the state’s nearly $80 billion of tax breaks, which disproportionately benefit profitable corporations and the wealthy.Taxes & Revenue -
Three Ways State Policymakers Can Raise Revenues to Advance California’s Priorities
Improving Corporate Taxation Is Necessary for Building a Just and Equitable StateTaxes & Revenue -
Corporate Tax Breaks Hurt Californians
In a state as wealthy as ours, no one should have to live in povertyCalifornia BudgetTaxes & Revenue -
Data Hit
Corporations Pay Far Less of Their California Income in State Taxes than a Generation Ago
Corporations are contributing roughly half as much of their California profits in state taxes than four decades ago. In the early 1980s, corporations paid more than 9.5% of their profits in state corporation taxes. In contrast, corporations paid just 4.9% of their California profits in corporation taxes in 2020. Corporations pay less of their income … ContinuedTaxes & Revenue -
What Would a Windfall Profits Tax Mean for California?
What is a windfall profits tax?Taxes & Revenue -
Tax Justice Explained
Let’s reimagine California’s tax code to help Californians most in need.Taxes & Revenue -
Fact Sheet
Corporations Pay Far Less of Their California Income in State Taxes than a Generation Ago
Calling California home means sharing in the responsibility of creating strong communities. Yet, corporations are contributing roughly half as much of their California profits in state taxes than four decades ago. In the early 1980s, corporations that reported profits in California paid more than 9.5% of this income in state corporation taxes. In contrast, corporations … ContinuedTaxes & Revenue -
Fact Sheet
California Loses Nearly $70 Billion Annually Through Tax Breaks
California will lose an estimated $69.2 billion in state General Fund revenues in 2021-22 to personal and corporate income tax breaks — or “tax expenditures.” Many of the state’s largest tax breaks primarily benefit higher-income households and businesses, while just a fraction of the state’s tax … ContinuedTaxes & Revenue
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