In 2021, state leaders passed the California Community School Partnership Act, establishing the California Community Schools Partnership Program (CCSPP). The program aims to address barriers to learning and development exacerbated by poverty and the COVID-19 pandemic. Through trauma-informed and integrated educational, health, and mental health services, community schools are designed to meet the diverse needs of students. By fostering partnerships and expanding learning opportunities, they promote whole-child education, equitable outcomes, academic success, well-being, and positive school climates.
To support this strategy, legislation allocated over $3 billion in funding, later increased by $1.1 billion, for a total of more than $4.1 billion. These funds primarily support grants for establishing or expanding community schools, among other uses. Administered by the California Department of Education (CDE), the program has provided two rounds of planning grants, and three rounds of implementation grants to Local Educational Agencies (LEAs), which include school districts, charter schools, and county offices of education. Eligibility requirements focus on LEAs and schools with higher proportions of low-income students (based on Free or Reduced-Price Meal eligibility), foster youth, or English Learners.
what is a community school?
A community school is a public school (serving preschool through 12th grade) that forms strong, intentional partnerships with the community to promote pupil learning and holistic child and family development. It integrates services like trauma-informed health care, mental health, and social support, and emphasizes family and community engagement, collaborative leadership, and extended learning opportunities.
Implementation Grants
This report focuses on key trends for the first three cohorts of schools that have received implementation grants so far. These multi-year grants represent the majority of the CCSPP funding. Between 2021-22 and 2023-24, nearly 500 LEAs were awarded grants, directing funding to more than 2,000 schools. Priority was given to districts with schools where 80% or more of the enrollment consists of “unduplicated students,” which includes English learners, foster youth, or low-income students.
As expected, the chart below shows that, across all three cohorts, most grantee schools serve 80% to 100% of unduplicated students, with 933 schools enrolling 90% to 100% of such students receiving the bulk of funding. This demonstrates an equitable distribution of resources, aligning with the program’s intent to prioritize directing resources to schools with the highest concentrations of underserved students.
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School-level data show that implementation grants are supporting schools with higher proportions of students of color, overlapping with priority groups such as low-income students, English Learners, and foster youth. Latinx, Black, and Indigenous students are overrepresented in grantee schools compared to non-grantee schools, with Latinx students — the largest student population — benefiting the most, as shown in the chart below. For other race and ethnicity categories, enrollment shares are similar or lower at grantee schools. These trends suggest that implementation grants align with the program’s focus on priority student groups, though some populations may benefit less than others.
Overall, these trends demonstrate that the allocation methodology aligns with the program’s intent. However, not all priority schools have received funding. The chart below highlights approximately 2,700 schools with high proportions (80 percent or more) of English Learners, foster youth, and low-income students that have not been funded. 924 of these schools are in LEAs that have received planning grants but would benefit from additional resources to implement their community schools strategy, while 1,767 are in LEAs that did not receive planning grants. Funding just those 924 schools in LEAs that have received planning grants would cost about $1.3 billion, far exceeding the $680 million left for these grants.
CDE is currently accepting applications for the fourth and final round of implementation grants under the program. For this round, CDE should maintain its focus on high-needs schools, as in previous rounds. Initial research from the first cohort indicates that schools have utilized the funding to integrate a range of supports, foster positive school climates, and enrich their curriculum. Additionally, case-studies highlight the potential of community schools to address both school-based and external barriers, including improving attendance. State leaders should consider renewing or expanding this block grant to ensure schools receive sustainable support to meet student needs and create lasting change. Without continued funding, many high-needs schools risk losing critical services and programs established under CCSPP.
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who are k-12 students from multilingual homes?
Students from multilingual homes are 5 to 18 years of age who attend a public K-12 school and speak a language other than English at home.
Millions of California students come to school with an invaluable asset: living in homes where a language other than English is spoken. Ensuring these students can leverage their linguistic assets and succeed at school requires meeting their basic needs, including access to affordable medical care.
Health care should be accessible and affordable to all Californians, especially school-aged children. Medi-Cal is our state’s health coverage program for residents with low incomes and is essential for the health and well-being of millions of K-12 students and their families.
More than 1.4 million California K-12 public school students who live in homes where a language other than English is spoken participate in Medi-Cal. Medi-Cal provides preventive care and treatment for health conditions that allows students from multilingual homes to attend and thrive at school – including achieving the opportunity of biliteracy.
Medi-Cal is a critical part of the social safety net that combats poverty, meets basic needs, and helps students attend school and prepare for the future. By providing access to affordable health care, Medi-Cal frees up household resources for other basic needs such as rent, utilities, or food. Without the support Medi-Cal and other social safety net programs provide, students’ basic needs may not be met and they would be less likely to regularly attend and engage in school.
Support for this report was provided by The Sobrato Family Foundation.
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Nearly 1.2 million California public K-12 students are English learners who bring an invaluable asset with them to school: speaking a language other than English. Ensuring these students can leverage their linguistic assets requires them to attend and succeed at school.
Having a safe, stable place to live is crucial for student development and educational success. But, more than 245,000 of California’s public K-12 students experienced homelessness in 2022-23. This includes children temporarily staying with other families due to economic hardship, and children living in motels, shelters, vehicles, public spaces, or substandard housing.
Students who are English learners disproportionately experience homelessness. English learners comprise 1 in 5 California K-12 public school students, but English learners were more than 1 in 3 of the state’s students who experienced homelessness in 2022-23. Housing instability is one reason English learners experience high rates of chronic absenteeism, which causes them to lose critical access to curriculum, opportunities to leverage their linguistic assets, and social structures that schools, educators, and peers offer.
Policymakers should boost investments in safe, affordable housing and target additional fundingand resources for students who are more likely to experience homelessness, including California’s English learners. Policy solutions should also be rooted in equitable interventions that build community trust and integrate culturally and linguistically competent practices to ensure every California K-12 student can thrive in school and life.
Support for this report was provided by The Sobrato Family Foundation.
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who are k-12 students from multilingual homes?
Students from multilingual homes are 5 to 18 years of age who attend a public K-12 school and speak a language other than English at home.
Millions of California students come to school with an invaluable asset: living in homes where a language other than English is spoken. Ensuring these students can leverage their linguistic assets and succeed at school requires meeting their basic needs, including sufficient access to food.
Access to affordable food is essential for everyone, especially for school-aged children. The CalFresh program helps Californians put food on the table by providing monthly benefits for people with low incomes, including K-12 students and their families.
More than 1 out of every 4 California K-12 public school students (27.6%) who live in homes where a language other than English is spoken participate in CalFresh, providing vital food assistance to the households of more than 650,000 students.
CalFresh is a critical part of the social safety net that combats poverty and helps students attend and succeed in school. By providing additional resources for food, CalFresh also frees up household resources for other basic needs such as rent, utilities, or medical care. Meeting the basic needs of many students from multilingual households would be more challenging without the support CalFresh provides.
Support for this report was provided by The Sobrato Family Foundation.
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key takeaway
California’s universal school meal program ensures all students have access to nutritious meals at school regardless of family income. This program combats childhood hunger, simplifies administration for schools, and has inspired similar initiatives in other states.
No child in California should go hungry. While families across the country face significant price increases in groceries and other basic needs, California schools have played a central role in making sure that children have access to nutritious meals regardless of their families’ income level.
In the 2022-23 school year, California became the first state to provide free school meals to any child regardless of whether they were eligible for the free or reduced-price meals as defined by the federal government. Since then, seven other states have passed similar policies, recognizing the benefits universal school meals provide to families and schools.
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California policymakers should continue to protect universal school meal programs to support children’s health and well-being. Limiting free school lunches to families who meet a certain income threshold would be harmful to children’s health and would also increase the administrative burden for schools.
1. Reverting to the Federal School Meal Program Would Exclude Many Families Facing Food Insecurity
The California Universal School Meals Program (UMP) has expanded access to school meals to all children, well beyond what the federal government requires. The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP), the two federally funded school meal programs, cap income eligibility at 130% and 185% of the federal poverty line (FPL), respectively. In California, that would mean that a family of four must have a total income of at most $39,000 for the children to qualify for free school meals and at most $55,500 to qualify for reduced-price meals in the current school year. However, 44% of food-insecure families in California had incomes above 185% of the FPL in 2022.1Based on Budget Center analysis of US Census Bureau, Current Population Survey for 2022 downloaded from IPUMS. As shown in the chart below, families with incomes above the threshold experience varying degrees of food insecurity.
2. The California Universal Meals Program Can Help Reduce Child Hunger
Income is not a perfect measure of whether a child is food insecure because family circumstances can change, and often do, particularly in a state with a high cost of living like California. In a 2022 survey, parents reported that the UMP has saved them money and time as well as reduced family stress. The UMP has ensured that no child has to worry about where their next meal will come from, regardless of their family situation.
3. School Meals Support Children’s Health and Learning
School meals promote good nutrition and improve health and learning,according to research. Children who participate in school meal programs are more likely to consume fruits, vegetables, and milk at breakfast and lunch, reducing the risk of nutrient deficiencies which can be harmful to health. These programs are also instrumental in supporting students’ health and well-being, with studies showing that free or reduced-price school lunches help lower rates of poor health and obesity. In addition, research shows that school meal programs help students learn and succeed in school through improved attendance, student behavior, academic performance, and long-term educational attainment.
4. The Universal School Meals Program Reduces Stigma Around Free Meals
Moving away from a means-tested approach reduces stigma around free meals, which helps the program reach more students. Research has shown that reducing the stigma associated with means-tested programs increases participation. The UMP has been successful in increasing breakfast and lunch participation as well as reducing the stigma around free school meals and unpaid meal debt. When food access is not tied to poverty status, students are less likely to shy away from grabbing a meal if they need one.
5. The Universal Meals Program Reduces Administrative Burden On Schools
The UMP reduces meal debt by making all school meals free to students. Schools are required to take on extra administrative tasks to account for meal debt, which, according to the California Department of Education (CDE), include collecting and documenting:
Evidence of efforts to collect unpaid meal charges in accordance with the CDE or local unpaid meal charge policy;
Financial documentation showing when the unpaid meal charges became an operating loss; and
Documentation showing when the repayment plan was agreed to by all parties.
Additionally, meal debt is an operating loss for schools. Thus, without UMP, school districts would likely face challenges with both the financial and administrative burdens of increased meal debt.
The UMP requires high-poverty schools to participate in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP), which significantly reduces school meal administrative burden. CEP is a federal program that provides alternate meal counting and collection procedures. Namely, CEP schools do not collect meal applications, do not conduct verification activities, and do not classify meals as free, reduced-price, or paid. As a result, school meal administration is far less burdensome and many overhead costs are eliminated. Before the UMP requirement, only 24 percent of schools participated in CEP.
what is meal debt?
Meal debt occurs when students who are not certified to receive free school meals do not have enough cash in hand or in their school meals account to pay for their meals or for the “reduced-price” copayment. School districts set their own policy for unpaid school meal fees.
As of the 2022-23 school year, participation increased to 51 percent, prompted by the onset of UMP. However, as part of the CEP application, California schools must calculate an identified student percentage (ISP) reflecting the proportion of students that are directly certified for meals at no cost on the basis of their participation in safety net programs (i.e., CalFresh and CalWORKs) and other characteristics (such as foster youth). Some California schools face challenges with correctly calculating the ISP and are therefore not able to fully maximize the federal benefit. Therefore, with UMP and its associated CEP participation requirement, more schools may benefit from the administrative efficiency that comes with program participation but additional technical assistance from CDE could ensure schools maximize benefits from CEP participation.
California should continue to lead the way in making sure any child who needs a meal can obtain one. The California Universal School Meals Program not only supports family and child well-being and effective school administration, but it also may promote cost savings if the state can maximize the number of meals federally reimbursed at the free rate. State policymakers should continue investing in this program to maximize federal reimbursements and ensure all children have access to high-quality nutritious meals. By making sure all children receive proper nutrition at school, state leaders can help alleviate food insecurity and support children’s health and well-being.
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key takeaway
Despite California’s commitment to funding education through Proposition 98, increased child poverty and budget shortfalls pose substantial challenges.
All California students deserve the opportunity to learn and achieve their goals. Recognizing the critical role schools play in supporting student success, California voters adopted Proposition 98 (Prop. 98), which established an annual minimum funding guarantee for public K-12 schools and community colleges.
When students and their families struggle to make ends meet, their educational success is put at risk. The poverty rate for children in California more than doubled from 2021 to 2022, suggesting that more support is needed to help families meet their basic needs.
Helping Californians meet those needs while adequately funding K-14 education is challenging when the state experiences a budget shortfall that results from revenues falling far short of projections — as is the case this year. Understanding Prop. 98 and its interaction with the state budget is essential to assess policymakers’ options for addressing the challenges this year’s state budget presents.
Prop. 98 is a constitutional amendment adopted by California voters in 1988 that establishes an annual minimum funding level for K-14 education each fiscal year — the Prop. 98 guarantee. Prop. 98 funding comes from a combination of state General Fund revenue and local property taxes. Prop. 98 spending supports K-12 schools (including transitional kindergarten), community colleges, county offices of education, the state preschool program, and state agencies that provide direct K-14 instructional programs. While Prop. 98 establishes a required minimum funding level for programs falling under the guarantee as a whole, it does not protect individual programs from reduction or elimination.
How is the Prop. 98 minimum funding guarantee calculated?
Each year’s Prop. 98 guarantee is calculated based on a percentage of state General Fund revenues or the prior year guarantee adjusted for K-12 attendance and an inflation measure.1The inflation measure is either the percentage change in state per capita personal income for the preceding year or the annual change in per capita state General Fund revenues plus 0.5 percent. Since some of this information is not available until after the end of the state’s fiscal year, the Legislature funds Prop. 98 at the time of the annual Budget Act based on estimates of the Prop. 98 minimum funding level.
Once the final Prop. 98 guarantee is determined, the process of reconciling the actual and estimated guarantee is known as “settle up.” If the final Prop. 98 guarantee turns out to be higher than initially estimated, the Legislature must provide additional funding to make up the difference. On the other hand, if the Prop. 98 spending requirement is below the funding level assumed in a budget act, the Legislature has the option to amend the Budget Act to reduce funding to the lower revised minimum Prop. 98 guarantee.2The Legislature also can suspend Prop. 98 for a single year by a two-thirds vote of each house.
To the extent that the Legislature provides funding above the Prop. 98 minimum guarantee, it can increase the following year’s Prop. 98 minimum funding level and state spending required to fulfill the Prop. 98 obligation in future years. In other words, deciding to provide funding above the Prop. 98 minimum guarantee for one budget year can increase the minimum funding level for the subsequent year’s budget and beyond.
What is the Prop. 98 reserve?
California voters approved a constitutional amendment in 2014 that established the Public School System Stabilization Account (the PSSSA) – the Prop. 98 reserve. Constitutional formulas require the state to make deposits into, and withdrawals from, the Prop. 98 reserve. When the state faces a budget problem, discretionary withdrawals from the Prop. 98 reserve may also be made if the governor declares a budget emergency and the Legislature passes a bill to withdraw funds, which can only be used to support K-14 education.
Why is California facing a budget shortfall? And how large is it?
California faces a budget shortfall, also known as a “budget problem,” of tens of billions of dollars. The shortfall is based on estimates of revenues and spending across three fiscal years: 2022-23, 2023-24, and 2024-25 (the fiscal year that begins on July 1, 2024). This three-year period is known as the “budget window.” The main reason for the budget problem is that state revenue collections have fallen short of projections. A large portion of the problem is related to state revenues for the 2022 tax year, which are estimated to be about $25 billion lower than what policymakers expected when they adopted the budget for the current fiscal year last summer.
The extent of the 2022 revenue shortfall only became clear in late 2023 due to the extension of tax filing deadlines for 2022 taxes to November 2023. Because of this delay, state leaders had to finalize the 2023-24 budget last June with much less complete revenue information than usual, and they enacted a budget assuming significantly more revenue for the 2022 tax year than actually materialized.
How does California’s budget problem affect the Prop. 98 guarantee?
Revenue collections falling short of projections not only creates a budget problem for the state, it also means the Prop. 98 minimum funding guarantee for K-14 education is significantly lower than the level assumed in last year’s enacted budget. Based on revenue estimates in the governor’s January 2024 budget proposal, the Prop. 98 minimum funding guarantee dropped by $14.3 billion across the three-year budget window (2022-23 to 2024-25) compared to assumptions made last June.3The amount of state funding required to fulfill the Prop. 98 guarantee across the three-year budget window dropped by $15.2 billion below the Prop. 98 funding level assumed last June. The difference between the state’s funding requirementand the $14.3 billion total decline in the Prop. 98 guarantee reflects estimates in the governor’s January 2024 budget proposal that include a $900 million increase in local property tax revenue, which offsets the $15.2 billion reduction in the state’s portion of the Prop. 98 funding obligation.
Reconciling Prop. 98 spending with revised estimates of the Prop. 98 guarantee can be challenging when the minimum funding guarantee falls — and it is especially difficult if the revised guarantee falls significantly. The current challenge of managing such a large decline in the Prop. 98 minimum funding guarantee is further complicated because the majority of the drop — $9.1 billion — is attributed to the 2022-23 fiscal year, which ended on June 30, 2023.
The Legislature can address the challenge by amending last year’s Budget Act to reduce Prop. 98 funding to the lower revised minimum Prop. 98 guarantee. But, because the state has already allocated 2022-23 dollars to K-14 education, reducing K-14 education funding would be logistically difficult and would significantly impact K-12 schools’ and community colleges’ budgets. On the other hand, maintaining 2022-23 Prop. 98 spending above the minimum funding requirement could boost the state’s funding obligation to meet the Prop. 98 guarantee in 2023-24 and 2024-25.
How does the governor propose to address the budget problem and protect students and educators?
To help address the state budget shortfall, the governor’s January budget proposal assumes a reduction in state funding to the lower revised estimates of the Prop. 98 guarantee over the three-year budget window (2022-23 to 2024-25). To reduce Prop. 98 spending, the governor proposes a combination of spending reductions and discretionary withdrawals from the Prop. 98 reserve.
A significant part of the governor’s plan is an $8 billion reduction in Prop. 98 spending attributable to 2022-23, which would help reduce state General Fund spending to the lower revised Prop. 98 minimum funding level. However, the governor’s proposal would not take away the $8 billion from K-12 schools and community colleges — dollars they received for 2022-23 that have largely been spent. Instead, the governor proposes a complex accounting maneuver that would shift the $8 billion in K-14 education costs — on paper — from 2022-23 to later fiscal years.
First Look: Understanding the governor's 2024-25 state budget proposal
Learn about the key pieces of the 2024-25 California budget proposal, and explore how the governor prioritized spending and determined cuts amid a sizable projected state budget shortfall.
Specifically, $8 billion in 2022-23 costs would be spread across five state budgets from 2025-26 to 2029-30 ($1.6 billion per year). Moreover, these delayed expenses would be paid for using non-Prop. 98 funds. In other words, $8 billion in General Fund dollars from the non-Prop. 98 side of the state budget — funds that could otherwise support health, safety net, housing, and other critical services — would be spent on K-14 educationbut would not count as Prop. 98 spending nor boost the Prop. 98 minimum funding guarantee (the implications of this are discussed below).
In addition, to help pay for existing K-14 education program costs in 2023-24 and 2024-25, the governor proposes making $5.7 billion in discretionary withdrawals from the Prop. 98 reserve. These one-time reserve funds would help support K-14 education in 2023-24 and 2024-25 at the same time that the state reduces General Fund spending required to meet the Prop. 98 minimum funding obligation.
How could the governor’s proposal affect non-Prop. 98 spending?
The governor’s proposal would use non-Prop. 98 resources to make a total of $8 billion in payments to K-14 education starting in 2025-26, but the proposal fails to propose additional revenue or other non-spending cuts to make these payments. Because no additional alternatives are part of the plan, the proposal would create pressure to reduce spending for state budget priorities outside of K-14 education starting in 2025-26.
Shifting Prop. 98 costs to the non-Prop 98 side of the budget creates significant risks to state spending that supports California’s children and families. By creating a future obligation for K-14 education without additional resources to pay for it, the governor’s plan could force reductions in spending for programs such as child care, student aid, and social safety net services that many Californians depend on for support to make ends meet.
How can state leaders address the decline in the Prop. 98 guarantee?
Policymakers have options to address the large decline in the Prop. 98 minimum funding guarantee that include the following:
Increasing General Fund revenues would help pay for Prop. 98 expenses as well as provide funding to support state budget priorities outside of K-14 education. Revenue options state leaders consistently fail to examine are the tens of billions of dollars that the state loses to tax breaks each year, many of the largest which primarily benefit wealthy corporations and high-income individuals. The governor did put forth modest revenue solutions in his proposed 2024-25 state budget, but they make up less than 1% of the overall package of solutions.
Rely more heavily on the state’s Prop. 98 budget reserve
The governor’s proposal to make $5.7 billion in discretionary withdrawals from the Prop. 98 reserve indicates the administration’s willingness to declare a budget emergency, which would be required to make such withdrawals. However, the governor’s proposal would leave $3.9 billion in the Prop. 98 reserve at the end of 2024-25, which could be used to support K-14 education costs.
Consider the Legislative Analyst’s recommendation to use the Prop. 98 reserve to address the decline in the 2022-23 Prop. 98 guarantee
The Legislative Analyst’s Office suggests using funds from the Prop. 98 reserve to cover costs that exceeded the Prop. 98 minimum funding level in 2022-23. This option would help reduce state General Fund spending attributed to 2022-23 and the state’s Prop. 98 obligations in 2023-24 and 2024-25. While this approach could avoid cutting funding already allocated to K-14 education, it would likely mean fewer dollars are available for K-14 education costs than under the governor’s proposal.
Reduce or defer state spending for K-12 schools and community colleges
Policymakers could reduce state spending already approved for K-14 education or defer payments to K-12 schools and community colleges. However, both of these choices would create potentially significant challenges for schools.
Bottom line: Policymakers can address the decline in the Prop. 98 guarantee without creating pressure to reduce spending for priorities outside of K-14 education. The decline in the state’s Prop. 98 minimum funding guarantee due to state revenues falling short of expectations creates significant challenges for state leaders this year. However, policymakers have options for addressing these challenges, including raising revenues from wealthy corporations and high-income individuals who have ample resources to contribute.
Policymakers can also choose to withdraw more from the state’s Prop. 98 reserve to support K-14 education spending. Relying on Prop. 98 reserve funds alone may not be sufficient to cover all K-14 education expenses for which the state has made commitments. However, policymakers should look to raising revenue and other options to address the decline in the Prop. 98 guarantee that do not harm K-12 schools and community colleges or create pressure to reduce spending for state budget priorities outside of K-14 education.
The inflation measure is either the percentage change in state per capita personal income for the preceding year or the annual change in per capita state General Fund revenues plus 0.5 percent.
The Legislature also can suspend Prop. 98 for a single year by a two-thirds vote of each house.
The amount of state funding required to fulfill the Prop. 98 guarantee across the three-year budget window dropped by $15.2 billion below the Prop. 98 funding level assumed last June. The difference between the state’s funding requirementand the $14.3 billion total decline in the Prop. 98 guarantee reflects estimates in the governor’s January 2024 budget proposal that include a $900 million increase in local property tax revenue, which offsets the $15.2 billion reduction in the state’s portion of the Prop. 98 funding obligation.
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More than 2.3 million California TK-12 public school students bring a linguistic asset with them to school every day: living in homes where a language other than English is spoken. A majority of these students (1.2 million) demonstrate English proficiency during their school years. But, students’ home language skills are often neglected at school due to California’s shortage of bilingual education teachers. Neglecting students’ language assets means they may not become biliterate, causing them to miss out on numerous advantages biliteracy provides such as cognitive benefits and increased competitiveness once students enter the workplace.
To help students achieve biliteracy, California must address its shortage of adequately trained bilingual education teachers. The magnitude of this shortage can be assessed by looking at the number of teachers who have been authorized to teach bilingually in recent years, which pales in comparison to the number of TK-12 students who live in homes where languages other than English are spoken. Specifically, a large imbalance exists between 1) the number of students who live in homes where one of the top 10 languages is spoken and 2) teachers who earned an authorization to teach in those languages from 2012-13 to 2021-22 (See Table).
The bilingual teacher shortage is a significant obstacle for California students to achieve biliteracy. One step the Legislature can take to address this shortage is reinstating the Bilingual Teacher Professional Development Program (BTPDP), which expired in June 2021. Last year, the California Department of Education reported the BTPDP “was very successful and helped address a critical teacher shortage area that is in high demand.” The Legislature should fund the BTPDP and build on its success, especially to help the millions of California TK-12 students with home language assets achieve biliteracy.
Demand for TK-12 Bilingual Education Teachers Outstrips Supply in California
Students from Homes Where a Language Other Than English Is Spoken
Bilingual Authorizations Issued from 2012-13 Through 2021-22
Student-to-Bilingual Authorization Ratio
*Note: A bilingual authorization authorizes teachers to deliver instruction in languages other than English and does not include teaching intern credentials, permits, and waivers.
Source: California Department of Education and California Commission on Teacher Credentialing
Support for this report was provided by the Sobrato Family Foundation and the Stuart Foundation.
The diversity of California’s students is an invaluable asset that enables our communities to thrive. State leaders have a responsibility to ensure all students have the opportunity to learn and achieve their goals. Yet, many California students of color face persistent challenges. To address these challenges, Governor Newsom’s “Equity Multiplier” proposal would increase funding to … Continued
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Join us on Friday, January 17, at 10 a.m. as Budget Center experts explore what the budget proposal means for California’s communities, economy, and overall progress.