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Proposition 98, passed in 1988, is a cornerstone of California school funding, guaranteeing minimum funding levels for K-12 education funding and community college funding. But how does it work? And what does it mean for public schools and the state budget?

In this explainer video, we break down it all down — covering the funding sources, calculations, and its impact on education funding in California. Learn how this law ensures a steady financial base for schools while adapting to the state’s fiscal conditions.

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Legislative Process: The Basics

The legislative process — also known as the policy bill process — provides a key pathway through the state Legislature for Californians who want to change state law.

Each year, members of the state Assembly and Senate collectively introduce thousands of bills that move, partially or all the way, through the legislative process. These bills propose changes to one or more of California’s nearly 30 state codes — changes that take effect only if a bill is passed by both houses and signed by the governor.

Proposals to amend the state Constitution also move through the legislative process. While Assembly and Senate constitutional amendments do not require the governor’s signature, they do need voter approval in order to take effect.

The legislative process operates according to rules outlined in the state Constitution, in state law, and in two-house agreements (“joint rules”) adopted by the Assembly and Senate at the outset of each two-year legislative session.

Written and unwritten rules that are unique to each house as well as to various committees within each house — and that can change from year to year — also shape the legislative process with opportunities for public involvement.

It is important to highlight that the state budget process provides a separate pathway through the Legislature for changing state law (through budget-related “trailer bills”). Compared to the legislative process, the state budget process has distinct rules, deadlines, and — in some cases — decision-makers. Advocates typically use both the state budget process and the legislative process to advance their policy goals. However, the remainder of this guide focuses exclusively on the legislative process.

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Opportunities for Public Engagement in the Legislative Process

The public has many opportunities to engage with state policymakers during the legislative process. For example, members of the public can:

  • Suggest bill ideas to members of the Legislature.
  • Build/renew relationships with lawmakers and their staff in order to develop familiarity and trust — which is critical to securing bill authors and advancing legislation.
  • Meet with lawmakers and their staff as well as with members of the governor’s administration to make the case for legislation and address any concerns.
  • Write letters to committees and individual legislators sharing opinions about bills that have been introduced.
  • Attend legislative committee hearings to share opinions about bills during public comment periods.
  • Urge the governor to sign or veto legislation.

Policy Committees

Assembly and Senate policy committees consider the policy implications of a bill. Each house’s leadership assigns bills to policy committees based on subject matter and other factors. Bills may be reviewed by a single policy committee in each house or by multiple policy committees.

The state Senate has more than 20 standing policy committees, and the Assembly has over 30. Examples include the Assembly Education Committee and the Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee. Bills that are approved at this stage — potentially with amendments — go to the appropriations committee for further review.

Budget Academy

The Budget Center’s essential resources for understanding and navigating the California state budget — all in one place.

Appropriations Committees and the “Suspense File”

Appropriations committees estimate the cost of bills. If the cost meets or exceeds certain thresholds, the bill generally is placed on the committee’s suspense file, which is essentially a “holding pen” for bills that will receive additional scrutiny. The dollar thresholds are relatively low in both houses. In the Senate, the threshold ranges from $50,000 to $150,000, depending on which state fund the money would come from. The threshold in the Assembly is $150,000 regardless of the fund.

Twice per year, appropriations committees convene hearings where they rapidly announce the fate of the hundreds of bills on their suspense files. Bills voted off the suspense file — often with amendments — advance to the Assembly or Senate floor, while bills that are held “on suspense” in the appropriations committee are dead for the year.

Bills can be held on suspense for any number of reasons, including concerns about their cost. However, committee chairs typically do not publicly explain why some bills advance to the floor while others are held.

Floor Votes: Simple Majority or Supermajority

Once a bill clears the final committee in its “house of origin,” it is scheduled for a debate and vote on the house floor. Most bills require only a simple majority vote to advance off the floor — 41 votes in the 80-member Assembly and 21 votes in the 40-member Senate.

However, a two-thirds (supermajority) vote of each house is required if the bill:

  • Would create a new tax or increase an existing tax.
  • Contains an “urgency” clause that allows it to take effect immediately rather than on January 1 (the typical date).
  • Proposes to amend the state Constitution — a change that ultimately must be approved by a majority of voters in a statewide election.

Rinse and Repeat: Process Moves to the Second House

If a bill passes the first house, it moves to the second house, where it repeats the process — policy committee(s), appropriations committee, floor vote. Bills are typically amended again at this stage. If approved with amendments, the bill goes back to the first house for a “concurrence” vote. Bills passed on concurrence go to the governor for final consideration.

Learn the Lingo

Understanding budget-related terms is essential for navigating the state budget and legislative process and effectively engaging with decision-makers to advocate for just policy solutions for Californians.

Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down: Approved Bills Go to the Governor

Once a bill receives final legislative approval it goes to the governor, who can:

  • Sign the bill into law.
  • Allow the bill to become law without a signature.
  • Veto — reject — the bill. The Legislature can override a veto with a two-thirds vote of each house. However, veto overrides are extremely rare.

Bills passed by a simple majority vote typically take effect on January 1 of the next calendar year. Urgency statutes, tax increases, and certain other bills take effect as soon as they become law.

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Watch to learn more about trailer bills in California

Trailer bills play a crucial role in California’s budget process by making the legal changes needed to implement policies in the Budget Act. This video explains how trailer bills work, their journey through budget committees, and the voting rules they must follow. You’ll explore how these bills impact vital areas like health, housing, and education to expand your knowledge of California’s legislative process.

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The Budget Center’s essential resources for understanding and navigating the California state budget — all in one place.

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The most common way for Californians to shape state funding decisions and policy priorities is through the state budget process and the legislative (or policy bill) process.

The deadlines for the state budget process are established in California’s Constitution or in state law and rarely change.

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In contrast, most of the deadlines for the legislative process are jointly set by the leadership of the state Senate and Assembly. These deadlines are adjusted annually to reflect the amount of time the Legislature has to complete its business. Specifically:

  • In non-election (odd-numbered) years, the deadline for the Legislature to pass bills is typically set in September — on a date determined jointly by the Assembly and Senate.
  • In election (even-numbered) years, the Legislature generally must pass bills by August 31 — a deadline established in the state Constitution. There are a few exceptions to this deadline. For example, after August 31 the Legislature may pass bills calling for elections, bills that would increase or reduce state taxes, and bills that would take effect immediately (“urgency statutes”).

The dates in the table below reflect deadlines established in state law and the state Constitution as well as the joint rules set by the Assembly and Senate for 2025.

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Federal dollars support a wide array of public services and systems that touch the lives of all Californians — from health care and food assistance to child care and public schools. Under the incoming Trump administration and a Republican-controlled Congress, many of these services are expected to face significant reductions — in large part to pay for tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy. Federal funding cuts would devastate vital services that help the most vulnerable Californians, including immigrant communities, Californians with disabilities, low-income families with young children, older adults living on fixed incomes, and many more.

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How Federal Funds Support California’s State Budget and Programs

A significant share of federal funding for California flows through the state budget. The enacted state budget for 2024-25 — the fiscal year that began on July 1, 2024 — includes $153 billion in federal funds. This is more than one-third (33.9%) of the total state budget.

More than 3 in 4 federal dollars that are estimated to flow through the state budget in 2024-25 — $115.7 billion — support vital health and human services (HHS) for millions of Californians, including children, seniors, and families with low incomes.

  • The largest share of federal funding for HHS programs — $98.5 billion — is budgeted through the Department of Health Care Services for Medi-Cal (California’s Medicaid program). Medi-Cal provides health care services to more than 14 million Californians with low incomes, including children, older adults, and people with disabilities. More than half of Californians enrolled in Medi-Cal are Latinx.
  • The second-largest share of federal funding for HHS programs — $12.1 billion — goes to the Department of Social Services. These funds support child welfare services, foster care, the CalWORKs program, and other critical services that assist low-income and vulnerable Californians.

The remaining federal funds that are projected to flow through the state budget in 2024-25 — $37.3 billion — support a broad range of public services and systems. This includes:

  • $8.5 billion for labor and workforce development programs, primarily for unemployment insurance benefits for jobless Californians;
  • $7.9 billion for K-12 education;
  • $7.4 billion for higher education (the California Community Colleges, the California State University, and the University of California);
  • $6.8 billion for transportation, primarily to improve state and local transportation infrastructure; and
  • $6.8 billion for additional public services and systems, including environmental protection, the state court system, and state corrections.

Potential Federal Cuts Threaten California: Health Care, Safety Net, Education At Risk

The outcome of the November 2024 national election portends major cuts to federal funding for key public services. Such cuts would have devastating consequences for Californians. Federal funding for Medi-Cal alone comprises almost two-thirds (64.4%) of all federal funding that flows through the state budget. Republicans have made clear their intention to curtail this spending.

Certain Republican-championed cuts would be particularly harmful to Medi-Cal, like the proposal to fund Medicaid through a block grant. This change would cap federal funding well below California’s actual Medi-Cal costs, forcing state policymakers to find alternative funding in an already tight budget and/or consider cuts to Medi-Cal eligibility, services, or provider rates. This block grant proposal, and others like it, would jeopardize access to Medi-Cal for the one-third of Californians — more than 14 million — who rely on it.

Other services are also at risk, including some that are funded with federal dollars that flow directly to Californians outside of the state budget — such as federal food assistance provided through the state’s CalFresh program and federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments for low-income seniors and people with disabilities. 

The incoming Trump administration and congressional Republicans have proposed to decrease federal support in several other policy areas — including for K-12 education — while simultaneously reducing federal revenues by extending tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy.

The resulting ebb in federal funding would trickle down to the state level and cause harm across the country. This would leave state policymakers with difficult decisions about how to fill — as much as possible — the resulting funding gaps in order to prevent the erosion of public services and systems that promote economic security and opportunity for millions of Californians.

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Every year, California’s 58 counties adopt local budgets that provide a framework and funding for critical public services and systems — from health care and safety net services to elections and the justice system.

But county budgets are about more than dollars and cents.

A county budget expresses our values and priorities as residents of that county and as Californians. At its best, a county budget should reflect our collective efforts to expand opportunities, promote well-being, and improve the lives of Californians who are denied the chance to share in our state’s wealth and who deserve the dignity and support to lead thriving lives.

Because county budgets touch so many services and our everyday lives, it is critical for Californians to understand and participate in the annual county budget process to ensure that county leaders are making the strategic choices needed to allow every Californian — from different races, backgrounds, and places — to thrive and share in our state’s economic and social life.

This guide sheds light on county budgets and the county budget process with the goal of giving Californians the tools they need to effectively engage local decision-makers and advocate for fair and just
policy choices.

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Join us in Sacramento on April 10, 2025 for engaging sessions, workshops, and networking opportunities with fellow changemakers, inspiring speakers, and much more.

Key Takeaways

the bottom line

  1. County budgets are about more than dollars and cents.
    • Crafting the annual spending plan provides an opportunity for county residents to express their values and priorities.
  2. County and state budgets are inherently intertwined because counties are legal subdivisions of California and perform functions as agents of the state.
    • To a large degree, county budgets reflect funding and policy choices made by the governor and the Legislature as well as by federal policymakers.
    • However, county budgets also reflect local choices, as counties allocate their limited “discretionary” dollars to local priorities.
  3. Counties’ ability to raise revenue to support local services is constrained.
    • For example, counties cannot increase the property tax rate to boost support for county-provided services.
    • Counties may increase other taxes to establish or improve local services, but only with voter approval.
  4. Both state law and local practices shape the county budget process.
    • State law establishes minimum guidelines that counties must adhere to in developing their budgets.
    • Counties can — and often do — exceed these state guidelines in crafting their budgets and sharing them with the public.
  5. The county budget process is cyclical, with decisions made throughout the year.
    • The public has various opportunities for input during the budget process.
    • This includes writing letters of support or opposition, testifying at budget hearings, and meeting with supervisors, the county manager, and other county officials.
    • In short, Californians have the opportunity to stay engaged and involved in their county’s budget process year-round.

California’s Counties: The Basics

California Has 58 Counties That Vary Widely In Population and Size

California’s counties range widely in population.

  • 10 counties have more than 1 million residents, and 21 counties have fewer than 100,000 residents.
  • Los Angeles County has the largest population of any county in the state (9.8 million).
  • Alpine County has the smallest population (less than 1,200).

California’s counties also differ considerably in size.

  • San Bernardino is California’s largest county (20,057 square miles).
  • San Francisco — which has the state’s only consolidated city and county government — is the smallest county (47 square miles).

California’s Constitution requires the state to be divided into counties. Counties’ powers are provided by the state Constitution or by the Legislature.

  • The Legislature may take back any authority or functions that it delegates to the counties.

There are 44 general-law counties and 14 charter counties.

  • Unlike general-law counties, charter counties have a limited degree of independent authority over certain rules that pertain to county officers. However, charter counties lack any extra authority with respect to budgets, revenue increases, and local regulations.

Counties Have Multiple Roles in Delivering Public Services

Other Types of Local Agencies Also Deliver Public Services

Counties provide public services alongside other agencies that operate at the local level. A wide array of local services are delivered by:

  • More than 2,000 independent special districts, which provide specialized services such as fire protection, water, or parks.
  • More than 900 K-12 school districts, which are responsible for thousands of public schools.
  • More than 480 cities, which provide policing, fire protection, and other municipal services.
  • More than 70 community college districts, which oversee 113 community colleges.

Counties Are Governed By an Elected Board of Supervisors

The Board of Supervisors consists of five members in all but one county.

  • The City and County of San Francisco has an 11-member Board and an independently elected mayor.

Because counties do not have an elected chief executive (except for San Francisco), the Board’s role encompasses both executive and legislative functions.

  • These functions include setting priorities, approving the budget, controlling county property, and passing local laws.

Boards also have a quasi-judicial role.

  • For example, Boards may settle claims and hear appeals of land-use and tax-related issues.

A Number of Other County Officers Also Are Elected

Along with an elected Board of Supervisors, the state Constitution requires counties to elect:

  • An assessor.
  • A district attorney.
  • A sheriff.

Although not required by the state Constitution, a few other key county offices are typically filled by election, rather than by Board appointment. These include:

  • The auditor-controller.
  • The county clerk.
  • The treasure-tax collector.

The County Manager Oversees the Daily Operations of the County Government

The top administrator in each county is appointed by the Board of Supervisors.

  • Counties have various titles for this position. This guide uses the generic term “county manager.”
  • San Francisco, with an independently elected mayor, does not have a county manager position.

The county manager:

  • Prepares the annual budget for the Board’s consideration.
  • Coordinates the activities of county departments.
  • Provides analyses and recommendations to the Board.
  • May hire and fire department heads, if authorized to do so.
  • May represent the Board in labor negotiations.

Key Facts About County Revenues and Spending

County Budgets Reflect State and Federal Policy Priorities and Local Policy Choices

To a large degree, county budgets reflect state and federal policy and funding priorities.

  • As agents of the state, counties provide an array of services that are supported with state and federal dollars and governed by state and federal rules.
  • This means that a large share of any county budget will reflect priorities that are set in Sacramento and in Washington, DC.

County budgets also reflect the policy and funding priorities of local residents and policymakers.

  • Counties can use a portion of their locally generated revenues to fund key local services and improvements.

County Revenues = State Funds + Federal Funds + Local Funds

County revenues consist of state and federal dollars along with locally generated funds.

  • State and federal revenues pay for health and human services, roads, transit, and other services.
  • Local revenues, particularly property tax dollars, are important because they are mostly “discretionary” and can be spent on various local priorities.

In 2022-23, almost two-thirds of county revenues statewide came from the state government, the federal government, and local property taxes.

County Budgets Support a Broad Range of Public Services and Systems

In 2022-23, nearly half of all county spending across the state funded the local justice system or public assistance.

  • The local justice system includes the district attorney, adult and youth detention, policing provided by the sheriff’s department, and probation.
  • Public assistance includes spending on cash aid for Californians with low incomes, including families with children in the CalWORKs welfare-to-work program.

Large shares of county spending in 2022-23 also supported either 1) public ways and facilities, health, and sanitation (18.5%) or 2) enterprise activities (16%), which include airports, hospitals, and golf courses.

The State Rules That Determine Counties' Revenue-Raising Authority

State Rules Establish Counties' Authority to Raise Revenue

Counties can levy a number of taxes and other charges to fund public services and systems.

  • The rules that allow counties to create, increase, or extend various charges are found in state law — as determined by the Legislature — as well as in the state Constitution.

Statewide ballot measures approved by voters since the late 1970s have constrained counties’ ability to raise revenues.

  • These measures are Proposition 13 (1978), Prop. 62 (1986), Prop. 218 (1996), and Prop. 26 (2010).

Counties Can Increase the Property Tax Rate Solely to Pay for Voter-Approved Debt

Prop. 13 (1978) limits the countywide property tax rate to 1% of a property’s assessed value.

  • Each county collects revenues raised by this 1% rate and allocates them to the county government, cities, and other local jurisdictions based on complex formulas.
  • Revenues from the 1% rate may be used for any purpose.

Local jurisdictions may increase the 1% rate to pay for voter-approved debt, but not to increase revenues for services or general operating expenses.

  • Most voter-approved debt rates are used to repay bonds issued for local infrastructure projects.
  • At the county level, bonds must be approved by a two-thirds vote of both the Board of Supervisors and the voters.

Counties Can Raise Other Taxes, But Only With Voter Approval

In contrast to counties’ limited authority over property taxes, counties may levy a broad range of other taxes to support local services. These include taxes on:

  • Retail sales.
  • Short-term lodgings.
  • Businesses.
  • Property transfers.
  • Parcels of property.

However, county proposals to increase taxes generally must be approved by local voters. These voter-approval requirements vary depending on whether the proposal is a “general” tax or a “special” tax.

Counties Also Can Levy Charges That Are Not Defined as "Taxes"

In addition to taxes, counties can establish, increase, or extend other charges to support local services. These are:

  • Charges for services or benefits that are granted exclusively to the payer, provided that such charges do not exceed the county’s reasonable costs.
  • Charges to offset reasonable regulatory costs.
  • Charges for the use of government property.
  • Charges related to property development.
  • Certain property assessments and property-related fees.
  • Fines and penalties

The state Constitution, as amended by Prop. 26 (2010), specifically excludes these charges from the definition of a “tax.”

Charges that are not defined as “taxes” can be created, increased, or extended by a simple majority vote of the Board of Supervisors. A countywide vote is not required.

However, Prop. 218 (1996) does require the Board of Supervisors to consult property owners regarding two types of charges.

  • Property assessments, which pay for specific services or improvements, must be approved by at least half of the ballots cast by affected property owners, with ballots weighted according to each owner’s assessment liability.
  • Property-related fees — except for water, sewer, and garbage pick-up fees — must be approved by 1) a majority of affected property owners or 2) at least two-thirds of all voters who live in the area.

The County Budget Process: State Rules and Local Practices

State Law Shapes the County Budget Process

Counties develop and adopt their annual budgets according to rules outlined in state law.

  • Rules pertaining specifically to county budgets are found in the County Budget Act (Government Code, Sections 29000 to 29144).
  • The Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code, Sections 54950 to 54963) includes additional rules that county officials must follow when discussing official county business.

State law delineates:

  • The process by which county budgets must be developed and shared with the public and the information that must be included in these budgets.

Local Practices Also Shape the County Budget Process

Counties have some discretion in how they craft their annual spending plans.

  • For example, the Board of Supervisors may hold more public hearings than state law requires and/or convene informal public budget workshops. Some counties also begin developing their budgets earlier than others do.

Counties have some leeway in how they structure their budgets and share them with the public.

  • County budgets may include more information and provide a higher level of detail than the state requires.
  • Counties may make their spending plans and other budget-related materials widely accessible to the public in multiple formats, including online.

Three Versions of Annual County Budget

At all stages, the county budget must be balanced (funding sources must equal financing uses).

The Recommended Budget is the county manager's proposed spending for the next fiscal year, as submitted to the Board of Supervisors.

The Adopted Budget is the budget as formally adopted by the Board by October 2 or — at county option — by June 30.

The Final Budget is the adopted budget adjusted to reflect all revisions made by the Board during the fiscal year.

Counties Must Adopt Their Budgets Using One of Two Models

State law provides two models for adopting the annual county budget.

  • One model — called the “two-step” model in this guide — requires the Board of Supervisors to first approve an interim budget by June 30 and then formally adopt the budget by October 2.
  • The other model — called the “one-step” model in this guide — allows the Board to formally adopt the budget by June 30 of each year, with no need to first approve an interim budget. This alternative process was created by Senate Bill 1315 (Bates, Chapter 56, Statutes of 2016).

Each county decides which model to follow in adopting its annual budget.

The Board of Supervisors must approve — on an interim basis — the Recommended Budget, including any revisions that it deems necessary, on or before June 30.

  • The Board must consider the Recommended Budget, as proposed by the county manager, during a duly noticed public hearing.
  • The Recommended Budget must be made available for public review prior to the public hearing.
  • At this stage, the Recommended Budget is essentially a preliminary spending plan, which authorizes budget allocations for the new fiscal year (beginning on July 1) until the Board formally adopts the budget.

Two-Step Model (Step 2): Board Adopts the County Budget by October 2

The Board of Supervisors must formally adopt the county budget on or before October 2.

  • On or before September 8, the Board must publish a notice stating 1) that the Recommended Budget is available for public review and 2) when a public hearing will be held to consider it. At this stage, the budget reflects the preliminary version
    approved by the Board along with any changes proposed by the county manager.
  • The public hearing must begin at least 10 days after the Recommended Budget is made available to the public.
  • The Board must adopt a balanced budget, including any additional revisions that it deems advisable after the public hearing has concluded, but no later than October 2.

One-Step Model: Board Adopts the County Budget by June 30

The Board of Supervisors must formally adopt the county budget on or before June 30, with no need to initially approve the Recommended Budget on a preliminary basis.

  • On or before May 30, the Board must publish a notice stating that 1) the Recommended Budget (as proposed by the county manager) is available for public review and 2) when a public hearing will be held to consider it.
  • The public hearing must begin at least 10 days after the Recommended Budget is formally released to the public, but no later than June 20.
  • The Board must adopt a balanced budget, including any revisions that it deems advisable, after the public hearing has concluded, but no later than June 30.

County Budget Actions Require a Simple Majority Vote or a Supermajority Vote

State law allows the Board of Supervisors to make certain budget decisions by majority vote.

  • These include approving the Recommended Budget and/or the Adopted Budget as well as eliminating or reducing appropriations.

However, a four-fifths supermajority vote of the Board is required for a number of budget actions, including to:

  • Appropriate unanticipated revenues.
  • Appropriate revenues to address an emergency.
  • Transfer revenues between funds or from a contingency fund after the budget has been formally adopted.
  • Increase the general reserve at any point during the fiscal year.

The Timeline of the County Budget Process

The County Budget Process is Cyclical and Interacts With the State Budget Process

County budgets are developed, revised, and monitored throughout the year.

Because counties perform functions required by the state and receive significant state funding, county budgets are shaped by state budget choices.

  • County officials must take into account decisions made as part of the state’s annual budget process. Federal policy and funding decisions also affect county budgets.

The budget process varies somewhat across counties.

  • For example, counties can hold more public hearings than required, and some counties start developing their budgets earlier than others do.


How to Find Your County's Budget

Counties generally make their budget documents available on the internet.

  • Online budget materials are typically located in a “budget and finance” section of the county’s website or the county manager’s webpage.
  • Perhaps the fastest way to find a county’s budget is by using an internet search engine and entering a phrase like “Kern County budget.”

In addition, counties make their budget documents available in county buildings and local libraries.

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What’s the difference between a trailer bill and a policy bill? A surplus and an operating surplus? Special funds and the General Fund? And what exactly is a “Budget Bill Jr.”? Understanding these and other key budget-related terms is critical to navigating the state budget process and effectively engaging decision-makers in order to advocate for fair and just policy choices for Californians.

Key Terms

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See our report Dollars and Democracy: A Guide to the California State Budget Process to learn more about the state budget and budget process.

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Why We Focus on the State Budget

Every year, California’s governor and Legislature adopt a state budget that provides a framework and funding for critical public services and systems — from child care and health care to housing and transportation to colleges and K-12 schools.

But the state budget is about more than dollars and cents. The budget expresses our values as well as our priorities for Californians and as a state. At its best, the budget should reflect our collective efforts to expand economic opportunities, promote well-being, and improve the lives of Californians who are denied the chance to share in our state’s wealth and who deserve the dignity and support to lead thriving lives.

State budget choices have an impact on all Californians. These decisions affect the quality of our schools and health care, the cost of a college education, families’ access to affordable child care and housing, the availability of services and financial support to help older adults age in place, and so much more.

Because the state budget touches so many services and our everyday lives, it is critical for Californians to understand and participate in the annual budget process to ensure that state leaders are making the strategic choices needed to allow every Californian — from different races, backgrounds, and places — to thrive and share in our state’s economic and social life.

This report sheds light on the state budget and the budget process with the goal of giving Californians the tools they need to effectively engage decision makers and advocate for fair and just policy choices.

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Join us in Sacramento on April 10, 2025 for engaging sessions, workshops, and networking opportunities with fellow changemakers, inspiring speakers, and much more.

Key Takeaways

The Bottom Line

  1. The state spending plan is about more than dollars and cents.
    • Crafting the budget provides an opportunity for Californians to express our values and priorities as a state.
  2. The state Constitution establishes the rules of the budget process.
    • Among other things, these rules allow lawmakers to approve spending with a simple majority vote, but require a two-thirds vote to increase taxes. Voters periodically revise the budget process by approving constitutional amendments.
  3. The governor has the lead role in the budget process.
    • Proposing a state budget for the upcoming fiscal year gives the governor the first word in each year’s budget deliberations.
    • The May Revision gives the governor another opportunity to set the budget and policy agenda for the state.
    • Veto power generally gives the governor the last word.
  4. The Legislature reviews and revises the governor’s proposals.
    • Lawmakers can alter the governor’s proposals and advance their own initiatives as they craft their version of the budget prior to negotiating an agreement with the governor.
  5. Budget decisions are made throughout the year.
    • The public has various opportunities for input during the budget process.
    • This includes writing letters of support or opposition, testifying at legislative hearings, and meeting with officials from the governor’s administration as well as with legislators and members of their staff.
    • In short, Californians have ample opportunity to stay engaged and involved in the budget process year-round.

Key Facts About California’s State Budget

The State Budget = State Funds + Federal Funds

Three Kinds of State Funds

Three kinds of state funds account for almost two-thirds (66.1%) of California’s $450.8 billion budget for 2024-25, the fiscal year that began on July 1, 2024. Specifically:

  1. General Fund — The state General Fund accounts for revenues that are not designated for a specific purpose. Most state support for education, health and human services, and state prisons comes from the General Fund.
  2. Special Funds — Over 500 state special funds account for taxes, fees, and licenses that are designated for a specific purpose.
  3. Bond Funds — State bond funds account for the receipt and disbursement of general obligation (GO) bond proceeds.

Federal funds comprise the rest (33.9%) of the state’s 2024-25 budget.

Most State General Fund and Special Fund Revenue Comes From Three Sources

California's "big three" taxes

Most state revenue comes from California’s “Big Three” taxes. In 2024-25, General Fund and special fund revenue combined is estimated to total $288.2 billion, with almost 74% ($211.7 billion) expected to come from the Big Three. California’s Big Three taxes are the:

  1. Personal income tax — This is a tax on the income of California residents as well as the income of nonresidents derived from California sources. It is California’s largest source of revenue.
  2. Sales & use tax — This is a tax on the purchase of tangible goods in California (the sales tax) or on the use of tangible goods in California that were purchased elsewhere (the use tax). Services are excluded from the sales and use tax, as are other items exempted by law, including groceries and medications. The sales and use tax is California’s second-largest source of revenue.
  3. Corporation tax — This is a tax imposed on corporations that do business in or derive income from California, with the exception of insurance companies, which instead pay the insurance tax. The corporation tax is California’s third-largest source of revenue.

Other state revenue is estimated to make up more than one-quarter (26.5%) of total projected General Fund and special fund revenue in 2024-25. This other revenue comes from a broad range of sources, including taxes, fees, and fines.

The State Budget is a Local Budget

Dollars spent through the state budget go to individuals, communities, and institutions across California. Under the enacted 2024-25 state budget:

  • Almost four fifths of total spending (79.9%) flows as “local assistance” to K-12 public schools, community colleges, families enrolled in the CalWORKs program, and other essential state services and systems that are operated locally.
  • Nearly one-fifth of total spending (18.7%) goes to 23 California State University campuses, 10 University of California campuses, over 30 state prisons, and other recipients of “state operations” dollars.
  • Less than 2% of total spending flows as “capital outlay” dollars, supporting infrastructure projects across California. (Local assistance and state operations dollars also fund infrastructure.)

State Funds Primarily Support Health and Human Services or Education

Under the enacted 2024-25 state budget:

  • 3 in 4 General Fund and special fund dollars support three categories of spending: health and human services (38.9%), K-12 education (27.3%), and higher education (8%).
  • Just over 6% of General Fund and special fund dollars go to corrections, primarily the state prison system.
  • The balance of these dollars supports other essential services (such as transportation and environmental protection) and institutions (such as the state’s court system).

Federal Funds Primarily Support Health and Human Services

Under the enacted 2024-25 state budget:

  • Three-quarters of federal dollars (75.6%) support health and human services programs.
  • The balance of federal dollars supports other essential services, including labor and workforce development, K-12 education, higher education, and transportation.

The State Budget is Part of a Package of Bills

The state budget never stands alone. Instead, it moves as part of a package of legislation that typically includes two to three dozen bills, and sometimes many more — particularly in years when there is a budget shortfall and state leaders need to make multiple changes to balance the budget. In 2024, Governor Newsom signed more than 30 budget-related bills.

The budget package consists of two types of budget bills along with trailer bills and other budget-related legislation.

  1. Budget Act — The state budget is formally known as the Budget Act. The Budget Act is the initial budget bill passed by the Legislature and signed into law by the governor. In general, budget bills:
    • Provide authority to spend money (“appropriations”) across an array of public services and systems for a single year.
    • Move through the Legislature’s budget committees on their own timeline.
  2. Budget Bill Juniors — This is the informal term for any budget bill that amends the Budget Act, such as by increasing or reducing authorized expenditures. There is no limit on the number of Budget Bill Juniors that may be included in a budget package. This means state leaders can revise the Budget Act as many times as they wish by passing additional budget bills.
  3. Trailer bills — The state budget package also includes trailer bills. Trailer bills generally make changes to state law related to the Budget Act and, like budget bills, move through the Legislature’s budget committees. In addition, trailer bills:
    • Must contain at least one appropriation and be listed in the Budget Act — a requirement that directly links trailer bills to the state budget.
    • Are organized by major policy areas in the budget. For example, health-related changes would be included in a “health” trailer bill, housing-related changes would be included in a “housing” trailer bill, etc.
  4. Other budget-related bills — Other bills may be included in the budget package from time to time. These are bills that move independently of the Budget Act (and therefore are not trailer bills) but are still considered part of the state budget framework. This could include, for example, legislation to increase taxes or to place constitutional amendments before the voters as well as bills passed in a special session of the Legislature. This other budget-related legislation can move either through the Legislature’s policy committees or through budget committees.

Terms & Definitions

The Constitutional Framework

The State Constitution Establishes the Rules of the Budget Process

The governor and legislators craft the state’s annual spending plan according to rules outlined in the state Constitution.

California voters periodically revise these rules by approving constitutional amendments that appear on the statewide ballot.

  • Proposals to amend the state Constitution can be placed on the ballot through a citizens’ initiative or by the Legislature.
  • A constitutional amendment takes effect if approved by a simple majority of voters.

Three Key Budget Deadlines

Two in the State Constitution (January 10 and June 15), One in State Law (May 14)

The governor must propose a budget for the upcoming fiscal year on or before January 10. The budget must be balanced: Estimated revenues (as determined by the governor) must meet or exceed the governor’s proposed spending.

The governor must release the May Revision on or before May 14.

The Legislature must pass a budget bill for the upcoming fiscal year by midnight on June 15. The budget bill must be balanced: Estimated General Fund revenues (as set forth in the budget bill passed by the Legislature) must meet or exceed General Fund spending.

Proposition 25: Simple Majority Vote for Budget Bills and Trailer Bills

The budget package generally may be passed by a simple majority vote of each house of the Legislature.

  • Prop. 25 of 2010 allows lawmakers to pass, by a simple majority vote, budget bills as well as trailer bills that may take effect as soon as the governor signs them.
  • Under the rules of Prop. 25, trailer bills must (1) be listed in the Budget Act and (2) contain an appropriation of any amount.
  • Even with Prop. 25, some types of trailer bills that could be included in a budget package will require a supermajority — generally two-thirds — vote of each house. This includes, for example, bills that would raise taxes or amend a state law that was approved by voters via a ballot initiative. However, most trailer bills in the budget package will need only a simple majority vote to pass.

Proposition 25: Penalties for a Late Budget

Lawmakers face penalties if they fail to pass the budget bill on or before June 15.

  • Prop. 25 requires lawmakers to permanently forfeit both their pay and their reimbursement for travel and living expenses for each day after June 15 that the budget bill is not passed and sent to the governor.
  • These penalties do not apply to budget-related bills, which do not have to be passed on or before June 15.

Proposition 26: Supermajority Vote for Tax Increases

Any tax increase requires a two-thirds vote of each house of the Legislature.

  • Under the state Constitution, “any change in state statute which results in any taxpayer paying a higher tax” requires a two-thirds vote of each house.
  • This standard was imposed by Prop. 26 of 2010. This measure expanded the definition of a tax increase and thus the scope of the two-thirds vote requirement, which was originally imposed by Prop. 13 of 1978.
  • Prior to Prop. 26, only bills changing state taxes “for the purpose of increasing revenues” required a two-thirds vote. Bills that increased some taxes but reduced others by an equal or larger amount could be passed by a simple majority vote of each house.

Proposition 26: Supermajority Vote for Tax Increases

Prop. 26 of 2010 also expanded the definition of a tax to include some fees.

  • Prior to Prop. 26, lawmakers could create or increase fees by a simple majority vote. These majority-vote fees included regulatory fees intended to address health, environmental, or other problems caused by various products, such as alcohol, oil, or hazardous materials.
  • Prop. 26 reclassified regulatory and certain other fees as taxes. As a result, a two-thirds vote of each house of the Legislature is now required for many charges that previously were considered fees and could be passed by a simple majority vote.

Additional Supermajority Vote Requirements

The state Constitution requires a two-thirds vote of each house of the Legislature in order to:

  • Appropriate money from the General Fund, except for appropriations that are for public schools or that are included in budget bills or in trailer bills.
  • Pass bills that take effect immediately (urgency statutes), except for budget bills and trailer bills.
  • Place constitutional amendments or general obligation bond measures before the voters.
  • Override the governor’s veto of a bill or an item of appropriation.

Proposition 54: A Bill Must Be Published for At Least 72 Hours Before the Legislature Can Act on It

Proposition 54 of 2016 requires bills to be distributed to legislators and published on the Internet, in their final form, at least 72 hours before being passed by the Legislature.

This rule applies to all bills, including the budget bill and other legislation included in the budget package.

This mandatory review period can be waived for a bill if:

  • The governor declares an emergency in response to a disaster or extreme peril, and
  • Two-thirds of legislators in the house considering the bill vote to waive the review period.

Proposition 98: A Funding Guarantee for K-12 Schools and Community Colleges

Prop. 98 of 1988 guarantees a minimum annual level of funding for K-14 education.

  • The amount of the guarantee is calculated each year based on one of three tests that apply under varying fiscal and economic conditions. Two of these tests include adjustments for changes in statewide K-12 attendance. Prop. 98 funding comes from the state General Fund and local property tax revenues.
  • The Legislature can suspend the guarantee for a single year by a two-thirds vote of each house and provide less funding. Following a suspension, the state must increase Prop. 98 funding over time to the level that it would have reached absent the suspension.
  • While the Legislature can provide more funding than Prop. 98 requires, the guarantee has generally served as a maximum funding level.

Proposition 2: Saving for a Rainy Day, Paying Down Debt

Prop. 2 of 2014 revised the rules that apply to the Budget Stabilization Account (BSA) — the state’s constitutional rainy day fund — and also established a new requirement to pay down state budgetary debt.

  • The state is required to set aside 1.5% of General Fund revenues each year, plus additional dollars in years when tax revenues from capital gains are particularly strong.
  • Until 2029-30, half of the revenues go into the BSA and the other half must be used to pay down state budgetary debt, which includes unfunded pension liabilities. Starting in 2030-31, the entire annual transfer goes into the BSA.
  • State policymakers may suspend or reduce the BSA deposit and withdraw funds from the reserve, but only under limited circumstances that qualify as a “budget emergency.”

Proposition 2: A Budget Reserve for K-12 Education

Prop. 2 of 2014 also created a state budget reserve for K-12 schools and community colleges called the Public School System Stabilization Account (PSSSA).

  • Deposits come from state capital gains tax revenues in years when those revenues are particularly strong.
  • However, various conditions must be met before these dollars could be transferred to the PSSSA. For example, transfers may occur only in so-called “Test 1” years under Prop. 98, which have been relatively rare.

Proposition 55: Potential New Funding for Medi-Cal From a Tax on the Wealthiest Californians

Prop. 55 of 2016 extends, through 2030, personal income tax rate increases on very high-income Californians and establishes a formula to boost funding for Medi-Cal, which provides health care services to Californians with low incomes.

  • Starting in 2018-19, General Fund revenues — including those raised by Prop. 55 — must first be used to fund (1) the annual Prop. 98 guarantee for K-12 schools and community colleges and (2) the cost of other services that were authorized as of January 1, 2016, as adjusted for population changes, federal mandates, and other factors.
  • If any Prop. 55 revenues remain after meeting these required expenditures, MediCal would receive 50% of this excess, up to a maximum of $2 billion in any fiscal year.
  • Prop. 55 has not yet resulted in any additional funding for Medi-Cal.

Proposition 4: State Appropriations Limit (SAL) — A Cap on Spending

Appropriations are subject to a limit established by Prop. 4 of 1979, as modified by later initiatives. This spending cap is known as the Gann Limit.

  • The SAL limits the amount of state tax proceeds that can be appropriated each year. This limit is adjusted annually for changes in population and per capita personal income.
  • Some appropriations from tax proceeds do not count toward the limit, including debt service and spending that is needed to comply with court or federal mandates.
  • Revenues that exceed the SAL over a two-year period are divided equally between Prop. 98 spending and taxpayer rebates. The state last exceeded the SAL in 2020-21 (but did not do so in the prior year).

State Mandates: Pay for Them or Suspend Them

The state must pay for or suspend mandates that it imposes on local governments.

  • Prop. 4 of 1979 requires the state to reimburse local governments for costs related to a new program or a higher level of service that is mandated by the state.
  • Prop. 1A of 2004 expanded the definition of a mandate to include the transfer of
    financial responsibility from the state to local governments.
  • Prop. 1A also requires the state to suspend a mandate in any year in which local
    governments’ costs are not fully reimbursed.

What Do the Governor and the Legislature Do?

The Governor

Approves, modifies, or rejects spending proposals prepared by state departments and agencies through an internal process coordinated by the Department of Finance.

Proposes a spending plan for the state each January, introduced as the budget bill in the Legislature.

Updates and revises the proposed budget each May (the “May Revision”).

Signs or vetoes the bills included in the budget package.

Can veto all or part of individual appropriations (line items), but cannot increase any appropriations above the level approved by the Legislature.

The Legislature

Approves, modifies, or rejects the governor’s proposals.

Can add new spending or make other changes that substantially revise the governor’s proposals.

Needs a simple majority vote of each house to pass budget bills and most trailer bills.

Needs a two-thirds vote to pass certain other bills that may be part of the budget package, such as bills that increase taxes or propose constitutional amendments.

Needs a two-thirds vote of each house to override the governor’s veto of a bill or an appropriation.

What Happens When?

The State Budget Timeline

The state budget process is cyclical. Decisions are made throughout the year.

State Budget Resources

  • Department of Finance: The governor’s budget proposals and related documents.
  • Legislative Analyst’s Office: Budget and policy analyses, budget recommendations, and historical budget data.
  • Legislative Counsel: Bills and bill analyses, a free bill-tracking service, the state codes, and the state Constitution.
  • State Assembly and Senate: Committee agendas and other publications, floor session and committee schedules, the annual legislative calendar, and live and archived video streaming of legislative proceedings.

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